Having enabled that option, quit and restart MobaXTerm before continuing. I love MobaXterm, but the 12 session limit on the free version isn't cutting it for my homelab anymore. I’ve been using MobaXterm recently and so that is why it is the focus of this blog and there are many putty web articles available. You can use putty for remote login or to control your router connected via serial devices. However, if you have not done this before and you already have files in that directory and want to copy them out, try looking in C:\Users\your_username_here\AppData\Local\Temp\Mxt73. Check if the DISPLAY variable has been set. It has visual enabled SSH, SFTP, RDP sessions under a single hood to enable easy file transfer and remote desktop. Students come to Yale Summer Session to take Yale College courses in New Haven, online, or abroad or to hone their craft at the Yale Writers’ Workshop. MobaXterm will log into the NAS system that you set in Step 3 (in this example, pfe24): Duplicating a Login Session.